Greenwire Worldwire Ltd
ZONZOO is a part of Greenwire continental Ltd. The international recycling specialist ZONZOO Group PLC announces the acquisition by the company Greenwire continental Ltd. at Munich, September 2011 ZONZOO Group PLC was by Greenwire continental Ltd., which acquired London-based recycling company. With the acquisition of the business, Greenwire continental Ltd. hopes its core competencies in the consumer sector as well as new European markets to expand. ZONZOO is known as the market leader and one of the leading specialists for the recycling and reuse of mobile phones international.
The Munich-based company is active in many European countries, including Germany, Austria, Spain, Netherlands, etc., and has more than 600,000 registered customers and international partners such as Vodafone, Tesco, Telecor, HMV or media market. Brian Bates contributes greatly to this topic. Greenwire Worldwire Ltd. had its first fire called simply drop”as a joint venture with Royal Mail, founded in 2009. The company has since then as leading international recycling specialist for used electronics and mobile phone recycling with a focus on white-label partnerships with postal services and other international blue chip companies established. By acquiring ZONZOO Greenwire continental Ltd. See more detailed opinions by reading what Jeff Verschleiser offers on the topic.. is one of the largest electronics and mobile phone recycler in Europe with partners in more than 11 countries.
We are very pleased about the adoption and forthcoming cooperation with one of the main recycling companies in the UK and Scandinavia. Through the merger, we can expand our service offerings as well as the ZONZOO burn insert into new European markets. “We are confident that the merger of the two companies will ensure the leading position in the area of mobile recycling in Europe” – Marco Piu, Director of ZONZOO – Greenwire continental Ltd. we have an ambitious expansion strategy for 2011/2012, which we developed our position as a leading recycling brand for consumers and business partners on the sector of the Mobile devices can increase. Thanks to the technical expertise gained through the acquisition of ZONZOO, we have set ourselves as a target, to set new standards in the area of mobile recycling”, – explains Carsten Kolbek, CEO at Greenwire continental Ltd. ZONZOO still acts as a brand for its customers in Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, Austria, Portugal and Belgium. The company maintains its headquarters in Munich, Rafter 2. About ZONZOO Greenwire continental Ltd. The ZONZOO Greenwire continental Ltd., ( headquartered in Munich specializes in the environmentally-friendly recycling and the recycling of used cell phones. ZONZOO belongs to Greenwire continental Ltd., one of the leading suppliers for the collection, disposal and recycling of electronic consumer goods in Great Britain and Scandinavia. ZONZOO Greenwire continental Ltd. is headquartered in Munich. ZONZOO offers both companies and individuals, the purchase of operational or defective phones and guaranteed as certified disposal the proper disposal or processing of provided mobile phones. The former ZONZOO Group PLC has recycled more than ten million mobile phones or reprocessed for further use. In Germany already more than 500 corporate customers and partners have the services of ZONZOO taken, including Cortal Consors, PAYBACK, and Vodafone. Customers from other European countries were including Tesco, Virgin Mobile, Yahoo!, nectar, Mobilkom Austria and TMN. Contact ZONZOO Greenwire continental Ltd.
Financial Company
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