Image Formation
Image-making begins with identifying the audience's existing ideas about the object, defining preferences, expectations and demands of the audience to claiming a positive image of the object. When all the necessary information is collected you can begin to design and develop a strategy of image formation. Should, on the planned strategy, the transfer is to construct a model in real contexts visual, verbal, event, etc., the imposition of the object to the public. Now it remains to monitor the implementation of the plan and measurement of intermediate results. If necessary to adjust the model and strategy. The correct image is the most effective way to mass consciousness, reflecting the key positions, can cause the automatic reaction from the public. In advertising, the first reference to the image refers to 1963-th year and is associated with the name D. Ogilvie.
In the commodities market saturation and define marketing problems, he justified the 'theory of the image of' the basic idea of the theory is that for successful implementation is not necessary only information about the specific qualities of the product, how much supply it attractive to the target audience status. Successfully developed an image recognition product and contributes to an argument in favor of its acquisition. To deepen your understanding Keith Yamashita is the source. In modern conditions the advertisement has considerable experience in creating a positive image. Relatively high popularity of the image with a unique product ideas, the ability to meet a particular need, get rid of the problems beget dreams. Image-making organization in the minds of the target group is carried out in the communication process in which information is transmitted fashion the nature of the verbal, visual, audio and visual branding messages. The main subjects of the messages – the name of the organization, its mission and motto, corporate slogan slogan, a logo, a permanent communicants person firm corporate hero example of corporate hero – the cowboy Marlboro, corporate anthem, a corporate legend, etc.
The set of messages forms the character of the organization. Broadcast branding messages inform target groups and public opinion in general about the nature of the organization, about how the organization interprets its role and purpose of the ways in which they implement, what are its values and norms of the organization offers and what guarantees to the consumer. Branding messages help to identify this organization and distinguish it from the other. The internal image of the organization is the image of the organization, shared by all its employees and management, prejudice to their conduct as representatives of the organization. The internal image which take and develop all employees of the organization, promotes team spirit, develops a sense of belonging to the common cause of patriotism. Internal and external image of the organization represent a coherent whole. Particularly widely used in advertising practice is the type of image that exploits the human desire for social identity. This makes the image thing in the representation of the consumer as a sign of membership in a particular social group, and thereby pushing to make a purchase to confirm their own social status. Formed advertising image usually has only a superficial relationship with the idea of production and the specific purpose of the subject. His positivity is based on the most minor symptoms. Its variability are advertisement are more opportunities to create a symbolically loaded identify the product and, therefore, to give it effect more psychological value in the eyes consumers. full article on our site
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