It is incredible like many small companies spend a considerable amount of resources to attract customers. However, once they have got to try their products or services do not pay due attention and end up losing them. If you think about it carefully, the situation is perverse. You are obligated to continue capturing customers constantly to try to fill the gap that leave you those who have left and, thus, maintain the level of your income.It is a genuine madness. Why not care for its clients as they deserve? It is difficult to understand. Much more if you consider that capture a new customer costs between 5 and 10 times what it would cost you retain one which is already usual buyer. In addition, if you consider that a customer is not worth only what consumed in the current year but that its value extends over the years lasting relationship with your company, the topic is serious. Drug cheap price viagra interaction : You should also ask your friends or relatives who may have used any sex pill before. It must e eaten an hour before making love with the partner which can cheap brand levitra lead you to death. These medically prepared pills contain extracts of natural herbs and are hence less detrimental to the canada sildenafil health with lesser side effects. The pills of this 100mg cialis de prescription has to be used for curing purpose. If you want to build a profitable business, I recommend that you check your customer retention policy.
Without a good service that ensures you a certain stability in your customer base, you will have real problems in order to develop your company as you have planned. In any case, a good way to start to be aware on the subject is to understand why your customers will leave. The reasons can be many and is likely to vary from one company to another, but generally, there are a number of explanations that usually appear quite frequently: 1.-difference between what expected perceive and what they have actually received. This is one of the main reasons why customers drop out of a commercial relationship and go with the competition. Be very careful what you promise and never promise more than what you can give. The English would call this overpromise (exceeding the promise) and is a nice way of defining it.
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