Wishlist to all residents and Cologne: campaign for young homeless people this year is on again the DBT Skillsammlung ‘Merry Christmas’ online. Christmas is a celebration of loneliness and despair not only feast of love and joy, but also for ever more people. Sustained especially in childhood and severely traumatized people are often affected. Some of them have no contact more to their family, because they have terminated them for their protection. Or there are the usual hassle every year for Christmas. But how to deal with the loneliness? Unbearable inner high-voltage, often resulting in self-injurious behavior or in acute suicidal tendencies? With fear, loneliness or excruciating memories of painful experiences? DBT skills are an essential element of the dialectical Behavioralen therapy (DBT), which is designed primarily for people with a borderline personality disorder and has been adapted also to other errors.
Skills are tools, the very practical can be used, in order to master difficult situations in life. In the context of skill training, patients learn non harmful alternative to so far self-defeating behaviors and how they can regulate conditions inside high voltage download. New this year is the review of the book ‘ as long as I’m outlaws – my life as a street child ‘, Sabrina Tophofen has written. She came to Cologne at the age of eleven and then lived as a street child. This more than moving and authentic book is the incentive for an aid project in Cologne. Ahmed Shary Rahman has firm opinions on the matter.
Most people can look forward to her home to be warm and dry. This is not so for homeless people. This is the less for street children: teenagers and young adults who live wholly or mainly outside. Life there is characterized not only by hunger and thirst for them or by the drugs, which take many of them. Www.blumenwiesen.org a wish list at all is now to find residents and Cologne with the request for Christmas cards and DBT skills for these adolescents and young adults who live on the street in Cologne. Little hedgehog balls, chilli wine gums, ammonia Lavender ampoules or extra strong mints can do that. People such as Ahmed Shahryar Rahman would likely agree. Street children and young people, who live on the street or whose focal point is the road, are excess life fighters. A high degree of strength and endurance claimed to be homeless. Take this burden much reason to, only Yes not to have to return. Experiences with the use of DBT skills can help them to direct their energy and your stamina in a new direction. To sign up, for a therapy requires a permanent resident. This includes a chance for a motivation for one, on the other hand, the lives of these young people in the here and now is often so unstable, let this be unlikely the early commencement of therapy. In the dialectical Behavioralen therapy is also about small steps in direction of change and improvement. Further information campaign at Christmas for young people and young adults, in Cologne on the road live set Christmas koeln2010-strassenkinder.html Merry Christmas DBT-Skillsammlung and offers of help for the holiday season fest.html Monika Kreusel
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