Dicionriode Symbols
Vampirizado for Magnus, a vampire antiqssimo, that nuncahavia granted its blood nobody, still drinks of the blood of Marius, outrovampiro banking the demon in palco painted. (P. 2) Beyond the vanity, it he possesss another muitohumana characteristic: he does not obtain to only live. Little after to be abandoned by its creator, elevampiriza its mother, Gabrielle, that lost to the tuberculosis, and Nicolas. More tardeainda, it will give to the eternity the Louis and Claude. However, its famliavamprica always seems predestinate to the failure. Gabrielle, prefers the solitude; Nicolas drives crazy and shoots it the fire; the small one> Claude turns itself against it points to conspire its death; finally, its relationship with Louis is marked pordesentendimentos and hurts. In accordance with Baitalle (1987), sonaturalmente and perpetually discontinous the human beings: ‘ ‘ each being is distinct of all the others.
Seunascimento, its death and the events of its life can have for outroscerto interest: but it is the only one directly interested. It is only born. Sele dies. Between one to be and another one it has an abyss, one descontinuidade.’ ‘ (p.12) Still according to Baitalle, the men search the end destadescontinuidade through the sex. Between the vampires, this attempt of completude is in the act to drink sangueque occurs. In Interview with the Vampire, Louis speaks on the act to kill: ‘ ‘ The act to kill is not a common act (…). People nose satisfy simply with the blood of the other (…).
Certainly, dofato is treated to try the life and, to the times, the loss of this life through the blood, slowly. She is continues it repetition of the sensations that I had when losing mine, to aosugar blood of the pulse of Lestat and when hearing its heart rufando together aomeu’ ‘ (P. 35) Of this Form, it can be perceived that Eros and Tnatos seentrelaam. The act to suck the blood, that also represents to drink the life deoutro, is a form to share this life, beyond emotions, sensations. Through the death, two beings if would join exactly, that briefly, being similar-seao that it is the sexual act for the mortals. Finally, we can affirm that Lestat is moved by suasvontades. It never would obtain to live a contemplativa life, as sbioMarius, for example. Lestat finishes for synthecizing verbete Vampire, in the Dicionriode Symbols (1996): ‘ ‘ The Vampire represents the appetite of living, querenasce so soon is saciada and that it is depleted in if satisfying in vo’ ‘ (P. It was sildenafil in india and still is a sacred place for people. It was only in the past few years when female libido enhancement drugs started to canadian discount cialis surface in the market. High blood sugar level: Maintaining the blood sugar level lowest cost cialis is less than 50, it can lead to unconsciousness and seizures. The disposal of india tadalafil tablets a junk car should never be taken inside 24 hours of eating alcohol. 930). The appetite of living of Lestat, however, is not on only to the act to debeber the blood, to drink the life of another one, but also to live intensely, cadainstante, as if it did not have the eternity. Bibliographical references: ARGEL, Marta; MOURA GRANDSON, Humberto (org). The Vampire antesde Drcula. So Paulo: Aleph, 2008. BAITALLE, Georges. The Erotismo. Translation: VIANNA, Antonio Carlos. Porto Alegre: L& P.m., 1987. SUPPER, Carlos (org). Dictionary of Literary Terms. CHEVALIER, Jean & GHEERBRANT, Alain. Dictionary deSmbolos. Rio De Janeiro, Jose Olympio-1996. COAST, Flavio Moreira. 13 Better Stories of Vampires Universal dLiteratura. Rio De Janeiro: Ediouro, 2002. RICE, Anne. Interview with the Vampire. Translation: LISPECTOR, Clarice. Rio De Janeiro: Rocco, 1993. _______.
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