THE VIEW THE VIEW FROM OUTSIDE ONE SCHOOL When I knew there would be an evaluation day on we made and lived around the School Project One, I decided to make an outward look but no less committed, true that the event organizers did not explicitly mention this possibility but I have always been welcomed into this space and the ideas and concepts associated with the project have drawn from my few moments there, I implied that it could be seen a view from outside. Other things kept me away from the assessment, but here is this modest attempt. The semantic universe project partner is what gives force: occupation, property, counter-culture, community, ecology, democracy, diversity, popular education, freedom. The context, for its part, is what validates the universe and gives it its particular meaning: a municipality technocrat and strongly linked to private capital, a local development project that dazzles with the mega investment and remains unresponsive to development proposals alternative and small-scale, local culture overwhelmed by the mass media and enthralled by remnants authoritarian, sexist, individualistic, an economic order based on competition, accumulation and disappearance of forms of cooperative, collective and solidarity for the resolution social needs, in short, the transformation of citizens into consumers. The installation of the concepts set forth above has been achieved thanks to an intuitive practice, almost like we see in a hexagonal honeycomb, there is no intent on the bees to build hexagons, is the sheer pressure of their bodies that generates this Fig. Have a best price viagra look on how this great medicine works to make penile organ erect. cheap levitra on line Strategic breathing practices help them through labor and delivery without the need for drugs or epidurals. Remember not to throw away the green portion tadalafil 20mg tablets try over here above the watermelon skin, which is most rich in chemical citrulline. 7. Pune’s real-estate offers everything to its client,such as a good residence , price for generic viagra environment-friendly house , township or cost-effective housing . Something similar happens here, except that there is no explicit complicity between those who adhere to the project, that does not satisfy us that the state of affairs arises from the context, there is a manifesto nor a statement of principles that explain how gather these ideas. Why so, is easily explained: at this point, but that children are grandchildren of the Cold War, grandchildren who do not tolerate large coherence uncompromising political and ideological systems, not only discredited by his opponents, but also for its clumsy practice and its worst slide (do not see differences between real socialism and the Chernobyl disaster and oil spill from Shell tanker in Magdalena, Argentina, or between the archipelago and the island Gulac Dawson) prefer a margin of maneuver of accommodate a wide diaspora of disaffected, who believes more that limits ties.Where to shake hands, without fault or mistrust, sensitivities as diverse as those emanating from the practices of resistance to dictatorship, which adhere to the recognition of ancestral values and practices of native peoples, the hippie to revitalize the substrate is found in the epidermis of our society (although not want to recognize), the renewing of anarchism (as a curious symmetry between two principles of century, etc.). etc. In short, interspersed with the bag of broken expectations, a kind of paradise lost, that gave us our parents, teachers and governors.
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