Jose Honrio
At the same time, a new monetary system, the Real is introduced in the country, what it came to stanch and to leave under control the inflation, that the much time envergonhara the country. From the start of years 90, the young poet-popular Jose Honrio Da Silva of the city of Timbaba (FOOT) started to use a computer with the matrical press to edit its brochures, becoming one of the main examples of the trend that joins simple verses of rhymes the thematic contemporaries popular. With this, it was the first step to expand of attractive and innovative form, the twine literature. Following the example of the young cordelista, some poets had started to use the Internet to divulge its writings, also the former-proprietor of the Folhetaria Luzeiro of the North, Joo Jose Da Silva come back to edit, using a microcomputer. In the entrance of century XXI, the twine literature has a new challenge to conquer: to breach the traditionalistic thought of that ‘ ‘ twine cannot be made in computer, neither divulged in the Internet’ ‘. Happily, this opinion is being transformed to each day that passes in each generation of poets who renasce: This papo to say that the poetry made in the computer is not twine, is pierced. Only because, before, she was written by hand and later it started to be printed left of being twine literature? Not! The fact to use a resource as the Internet to propagate this type of literature does not make with that it leaves of being popular. Because, today, the Internet is if becoming a popular vehicle.
It is only plus a way that does not deprive of characteristics this literature. What it deprives of characteristics the twine is to write wrong and not to obey the rules of the metric one, rhymes and conjunct (VIANA, 2007, p.2). levitra 40mg mastercard Sex is the important aspect of every couple’s life so it is very important to kill the monster of sexual disorders which are interrupting your sex life. But when it viagra online online comes to medications there is always a certain pattern of every medicine. It also offers effective treatment for painful or irregular periods female viagra pill in women. As it was clearly mentioned about the need earlier and the importance of the sexual activity and fun, what happens when a person is totally deprived of it, in terms of the excreting process it is done by the viagra samples from doctor liver and the kidneys. Thus, the difference enters the brochures of today for the old ones, is that vindication of the machine and the denunciation of the social exclusion intensified by computer science exists. For Golden (2009) the conventional media, of the publishing companies she is very selective and they do not invest in new talentos of the poetry, if becoming one ‘ ‘ mere commercial reproductive and advertising executive of this form archaic and exceeded of spreading cultural’ ‘. For the piauiense Beto Brito ‘ ‘ The booksellers have some preconception with the twine. You find everything in the bookstore, little twine. Nor all place for sale due the profit to be pequeno’ ‘. Cesar Obeid (2009), also cordelista, allotment of this same opinion and guarantees: ‘ ‘ , Twine today alone is vendido in fairs for tourist.
But it is possible to find the brochures in airports and fairs culturais’ ‘. At this moment where the scarcity of the twine is great, the Internet if becomes important an allied one. 2. The TWINE IN CLASSROOM Is present in didactic books is a reality that the Twine alone recently obtained since he was considered a popular literature, therefore conside.
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