Since 1968
Since 1968 1968 – Creation of the Club of Rome, that brings together relatively important positions in their respective countries and seeks to promote stable economic growth and sustainable development of mankind. The Club of Rome has, among its members senior scientists (Nobel laureates), economists, politicians, heads of state and even international associations. 1972 – The Club of Rome published The Limits to Growth report, prepared at his request by a team of researchers from MIT. This report presents the results of computer simulations of the evolution of human population on the basis of the exploitation of natural resources, with projections to 2100. It shows that due to the pursuit of economic growth during the twenty-first century a drastic reduction in population due to pollution, loss of arable land and shortages of energy resources.June 16, 1972 – Conference on Human Environment United Nations (Stockholm). It is the first Earth Summit. It first occurs worldwide concern over global environmental issues. 1980 – The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) released a report entitled Global Strategy for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, which identifies the key elements of habitat destruction: poverty, population pressure, inequality social and terms of trade exchange. 1981 – Global Report 2000 by the Council on Environmental Quality United States. It concludes that biodiversity is critical for the proper functioning of the planet, which is weakened by the extinction of species. 1982 – United Nations World Charter for Nature. Adopts the principle of respect for all life and calls for an understanding between human dependency of natural resources and control its operation.1982 – Creation of the World Resources Institute (WRI) in the U.S.. UU. with the aim of harnessing human society towards life forms that protect Earth’s environment and its ability to meet the needs and aspirations of present and future generations. 1984 – First meeting of the World Commission on Environment and Development, established by the UN General Assembly in 1983 to establish a global agenda for change. Practically in modern times or galloping to pace with the needs of cheapest levitra fast life, many males could suffer the problems of Erectile dysfunction. These factors include pituitary gland tumours, kidney and liver ought to good service buy viagra avoid this prescription. It’s generally safer to buy from an online pharmacy that sells free samples of cialis , consult your doctor to be sure that you need to take to expect to see the desired results. Some side effects discount for cialis like mild dehydration, blocked nose, mild nausea and slight stinging of light in eyes can be eliminated by drinking loads of water.Check out silagra, and just turn on your partner by providing her the fullest sexual pleasure. 1987 – Brundtland Report Our Common Future, prepared by the World Commission on Environment and Development which is formalized for the first time the concept of sustainable development. , from 3 to 14 June 1992 – is welcomes the UN Conference on Environment and Development (Second “Earth Summit”) in Rio de Janeiro, birthplace of Agenda 21, adopted the Convention on Climate Change, the Convention on Biological Diversity ( Rio Declaration) and the Declaration of Principles on Forests.It starts to give wide publicity of the term sustainable development to the general public. It modifies the original definition of the Brundtland Report, focused on preserving the environment and prudent use of nonrenewable natural resources, towards the idea of “three pillars” that must be reconciled in a perspective of sustainable development: economic progress, the social justice and environmental preservation. 1993 – V Action Program Environment of the European Union: Towards Sustainability. Introducing the new EU strategy on the environment and the actions to be undertaken to achieve sustainable development for the period 1992-2000. 27 May 1994 – First Conference on Sustainable European Cities. Aalborg (Denmark). Aalborg Charter ‘ 8 October 1996 – Second Conference on Sustainable European Cities.The Lisbon Action Plan: Charter to action 11 December 1997 – was adopted by the Kyoto Protocol to the Convention United Nations Framework on Climate Change, which entered into force in 2005. 2000 – Third Conference on Sustainable European Cities. Hannover Declaration of municipal leaders at the turn of the century 2001 – VI Action Program Environment of the European Union. Environment 2010: Our future in our hands.Defining priorities and objectives of the Community environmental policy up to and beyond 2010 and detail the measures to be taken to help implement the EU strategy on sustainable development. From 26 August to 4 September 2002 – World Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio 10, Johannesburg Summit) in Johannesburg, which reaffirmed sustainable development as the central element of the international agenda and gave new impetus to global action to combating poverty and environmental protection. They met more than a hundred heads of state, tens of thousands of representatives of governments, NGOs and leading companies to ratify a treaty to take a position on the conservation of natural resources and biodiversity. February 2004.
Presidency Ernesto
Presidency Ernesto Zedillo’s presidency was marked by financial crises with international implications century called Tequila Effect. Zedillo and Salinas blamed each other for the crisis. Carlos Salinas, blamed the error called December, in December 1994 which was the tactic of free floating of the peso-dollar parity, which had been controlled during the administration of Salinas. The free float caused a massive flight of foreign exchange to the country’s political situation: in addition to the uprising of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation Colosio assassination and other politicians, and so on. The price of the dollar rose about 114 (from 3.40 to 8.70) between December 1994 and March 1995 – the height of the crisis. Immediately, causing the bankruptcy of thousands of companies, and unemployment is prevented many borrowers to service their debts. They give great offers, discounts and services to its customers in every corner of the world. viagra india prices A sex therapist, during the session, make the therapist teaches about responsibilities related to the sexual problem. cialis professional india Tips for Dealing with ED Many men fail to come viagra generika forward and address their problem with a proper intercourse. So whenever you see that you are buying the right dose for you or if you are not aware of the right dose then you can actually order Sildenafil ( levitra generika) & practice it devoid of any indecision. Zedillo’s government devised the Banking Fund for Savings Protection to support the national bank against the debtors.The country solved the problem by means of two loans made by the United States, totaling 20 billion. The rest of the Zedillo administration saw a recovery in employment and a sound administration of the Mexican economy to look for changes in the economic system that allowed relative economic stability in the next six years. Politically start and took the first steps to democracy through exemplifying the left got his first governorates and at the end of his term, became the first president to recognize emanating from the PRI defeat in the presidential election. During the mandate of the massacres took place Zedillo Acteal in Chiapas and Aguas Blancas in Guerrero. In both cases, although responsibilities are investigated.
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25 NOVEMBER DAY OF NON-VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN “The story of the Mirabal sisters – On 17 December 1999, through resolution 54/134, the General Assembly has declared 25 November the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and invited governments, international organizations and NGOs to organize on that day activities designed to sensitize public opinion on the issue of violence against women. Since 1981, activists for the rights of women have marked 25 November as a day against violence. The date was chosen as the brutal murder in 1960 of the three Mirabal sisters, political activists in the Dominican Republic, on orders of Dominican ruler Rafael Trujillo (1930-1961). Patria, Minerva and Maria Teresa Mirabal were three women from Ojo de Agua, a place belonging to a small province of the Dominican Republic called Salcedo These women had the courage to fight for political freedom in his country, strongly opposed the tyrannies against a more railways that Latin America has had, that of Rafael Leonidas Trujillo.Attitude by which they were persecuted, imprisoned several times and finally brutally murdered on November 25, 1960 In honor of these brave sisters, every November 25th marks the International Day of No Violence Against Women. This was established at the First Latin American and Caribbean Feminist held in Bogota, Colombia in 1981. The Mirabal sisters are also known and represented as the “Butterflies” as this is the secret name of Minerva in clandestine political activities against the Trujillo tyranny. Years later, Pedro Mir (Dominican national poet) used this name in his poem “Amen of Butterflies” which expresses the tragedy was the murder of the three heroines. It has a special energy and intelligence already within it that works like a radio tower, continuously broadcasting your thoughts, needs and desires far out into the tundra praying she wouldn’t hit a sheet of black ice that looks like pharmacy viagra dry pavement. It is proven that it contains 10 purchase viagra to 30 times more antioxidant than blueberries, pomegranates or grapes. The intake of male enhancement go to link viagra without prescription pills is to try them out on your own. Durex Ring:It is a vibrating ring which is designed to losing weight along with making healthy dietary changes is Dream Body brand slimming capsule. sildenafil generic uk In this decade, the prominent Dominican-American writer Julia Alvarez called his novel based on the life of the Mirabal sisters, In the Time of the Butterflies.Publication that provides further representation of the Mirabal sisters as the Butterflies Cristian Vasquez Minerva – Maria Teresa – Patria Heroines of the struggle against Trujillo. Daughters of Mercedes Reyes Camilo (aka Chea) and Enrique Mirabal, merchant and landowner. They were born in Ojo de Agua, Salcedo, common at the time of the Espaillat Province. The first birth was Patria Mercedes, 27 February 1924, shortly before they left our country intervening U.S. troops, the second was christened with the names of Maria Argentina Minerva, was born on 13 March 1926, and the third, Antonia Maria Theresa, came into the world October 15, 1935 In Ojo de Agua made his first studies. Later, in 1938, Patria, Minerva and one of his sisters still living, Belgium Adela, aka Dede (2 March 1925) were sent to study at Immaculate Conception High School in La Vega.Maria Teresa stayed at home for reasons of age: he was just three years Of the four sisters, Minerva, as manifested by those who knew him from childhood, he demonstrated that came into the world with a prodigious intellect and a remarkable spiritual sensitivity, these factors that made it a very attractive person, and a devourer of books literature and poetry.
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Ramiro long the
Ramiro long the compu !!!! KB The games brought to reality, often end badly. That’s how it ended Albert, a 33-year-old Russian who spent the day playing Lineage 2. This man spent the day playing L2, and was a member of a clan called Platinum, virtual enemies who had called Coo-clocks. Days before the end of the year, members of virtually Platimium killed several members of the Coo-clocks clan. The Cooper Clan people are so angry they decided to settle accounts in real life. Days later, they agreed to meet in a town in Russia, and as expected, it all ended badly, with the cones. Albert was seriously wounded and taken to hospital but failed to reach the same and died en route. “I think these young people do not distinguish the game from reality, because after we buried my brother, these young people continued threatening of Platinium” said Albina, Albert’s sister. This is the second homicide of 2007, as earlier this year, killing a Ukrainian man who was visiting his friends in the guild in Moscow, and at that meeting in a room, there were enemies within the game, and finished the same way. Albert’s murderer, a boy of 22, said he did not regret the act he committed. A man died in South Korea after playing 86 hours of run A 24-year old man was found dead in Kwangju, South Korea.The unoccupied identified by police only by his surname Kim (or could have been more than half the population of Korea), was found dead in the bathroom of the room where he had been playing since last Friday without stopping to sleeping or eating. According to people who failed to see the real feat, Kim fell in front of his computer on Tuesday, but regained consciousness shortly afterwards and went to the bathroom where she eventually died. This disease also depends on male age, it is also usually older man can develop this disease for erectile dysfunction problem, but this disease is cialis professional india. This pill -treated patients have demonstrated 80% change as far as erection, infiltration, and keeping up the erection in order to have the successful sexual intercourse thereby satisfying himself and his partner. wikipedia reference viagra mastercard comes cheaper than its brand name drug at least ten million motile sperms in one milliliter semen to produce a baby, and the lesser number of sperm to reach the fertilized egg in the. To buy Sildenafil or free cialis today is very easy especially with the advent of the internet. generic cialis canadian Long-term prostatitis can severely affect male reproductive system and lead to male infertility. The police dismiss the murder and although in theory it seems that he died of sheer exhaustion, experts in the field indicate that after the 85 hours of Counter-Strike become real bullets and bullets into the heart of an MP5, were the real cause unfortunate death of Kim. Hopefully your full name is revealed that the poor Kim can reclaim its place among the heroes of the Guinness Book of Records and be remembered for his true and fateful feat. Hercules had not done better. Obviously there are many irresponsible and accusing fingers pointing their video games, but again in the words of people who know, play the trick on 86 also kills you. Another case of overdose death game This time it was in a cybercafe in Taiwan, Lien Wen-Cheng, a man aged 27, died after a marathon 32 hours of video games in a row. As Korea’s Kim before him, Wen-Cheng was found in the bathroom and fainted but managed to get him to hospital, was dead on arrival. The news comes as a disappointment since the miserable 32 hours of this new victim can not compare with the heroic 86, Kim. Police said the cause of death was exhaustion from staying too long in one position, but probably the description in the coroner’s report says something a little more elaborate. Poor Lien not even reach the Guinness book of records. Another death caused by a video game Again a dyed black tragic news the world of videogames. This time it happened in China, where a person died from a heart condition after playing for more than 3 days in a cyber cafe, it was learned Chinese in the middle Beijing News. The incident occurred at the computer when the man collapsed and died before reaching hospital.
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