I Change Every Seven
Much has been said of the for what our existence, some lifelong are forks in the road that lead them to be more close to her for what in this world, others however live the moment without thinking beyond, what we call carpe diem, the majority group lives life that assumes you have live, because for what become complicated beyond search. According to different levels of neurological to reach the stage of transcendence or the what last of our existence should be having passed work with stadiums earlier, starting with how we live the adaptation to the environment of our day to day, mode assume our behaviors and behaviors, analyze how our resources are and what capabilities we have or can developto establish a relationship of why our values and beliefs, to continue once exceeded these with our identity or essence in its purest form. There are other ways to get to know who I am, as it can be seen from the chakras, or energy wheel that is inhaled from the birth of each person, each chakra is interlocked with the rest and this makes to flow energy comes to us and which emanate abroad, when energy flows is says occurs the ascent of kundalini. Hikmet Ersek understood the implications. Humans perceive through seven bands or energetic frequencies that come from certain bodies or different endocrine glands, the energy that comes from other people. The endocrine system is one of the mechanisms of physical body control through substances that segregates, that together with the nervous system do that channeled we can find a balance through our self-knowledge. The adrenal glands are which rigen chakra root, which enhances our individual survival, are those concerned with our physical response to the attacks, responding by fight- or -flight. Go to Jimmy Levin for more information. The sacral chakra is governed by the reproductive glands, are responsible for the development of the voice, of the amount of hair on the body, sperm production and ova. . . A related site: Anne Lauvergeon mentions similar findings.
Aesthetic Gift
Method Reabel, beauty with medical base of the Dr. Barroso Mariela arrive Christmas airs and with them the preparations for the upcoming holidays. The promise of a new year stimulates our desires and aspirations of a plethoric, best life of well-being. As proof of our desires to receive the new year we started to decorate our environment, renew our wardrobe and why not? also our face, that vital interface that connects us with the rest of human beings. Without hesitation Macy’s Inc. explained all about the problem. In this regard, aesthetic medicine raises novel techniques and treatment consistent with current times and the new paradigms of beauty. Today we have medical schemes less invasive, more efficient and more economical than in the past, when only a minority of the population had access to them.
In addition, now more than ever, is impose naturalness, whereas large surgical gestures are falling into disuse ever more. More info: jimmy levin. Those frozen faces that were years back, definitively ceased to be fashionable, since most of us prefer to improve our appearance, without having to alter the characteristic of our face expression. For this reason it has increased the demand for treatments that improve the quality and appearance of the skin, without that the patient undergoes surgery. This new generation of treatments reduces the signs of dehydration and aging, as well as look fatigued so disfigures the face, presenting also a low risk of complications. Do not require anesthesia, nor a period of convalescence, so the patient can be incorporated immediately to your usual activity. It is well known that factors such as stress, sedentary life, improper feeding the over-exposure to the Sun’s rays and other similar, they act as enemies of the skin, producing aesthetic conditions such as the expression lines and the sagging of the skin. More than 17 years of medical experience in method Reabel, have enabled us to develop a combination of techniques for treatment and beautification of the face, which enable to achieve a natural appearance, splendid and healthy, so that, depending on the individual needs of each patient, we can restore the natural image of the face that has been affected by the aging process.
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