New York Times
(Continuation of the interview with Gregg Braden, the best-selling author of the Fractal time according to the New York Times by Laurie Nadel, Ph.d. You may find that Craig Pirrong can contribute to your knowledge. / host of the Show of the Laurie Dr. (The Dr.) Do (Laurie Show)) question: what do you mean when he says, time cycles?Gregg Braden: Our own science now is telling us that we, on this planet, our lives and our planet in general are under the influence of the great cycles of time, cycles within cycles cycles inside. Some of the cycles that we know, as a 24-hour cycle of day for night and day or 28-days of the woman’s cycle. But the great cycles cover such vast periods of time that not remind them of a civilization to the next. (Source: Ahmed Shary Rahman). Our current great cycle is a long 5,125 year cycle linked to an astronomical event that occurred in the year 3114 A.C.Pregunta: well, that’s almost incomprehensible for people 3114 A.C.Gregg Braden: ends on December 21, the winter solstice, December 21, 2012 D.C.Pregunta: And at that time or in that day, the Sun like you said to move towards an alignment with the equator of the Via Lactea.gregg Braden: what happens during this time and we must be really careful when we talk about this – there is an alignment that is occurring because the Earth makes this small inclination and this small wobble over long periods of time. While the Earth tilts and wobbles in its orbit, it changes the landscape of the night sky. Change our orientation in space relative to the center of its own galaxy – our galaxy of Via Lactea.ahora well, our own scientists have discovered and are publishing it openly that the center of our Galaxy, the milky way is a powerful source of magnetic energy. The term they use is magnetic filaments that radiate from the center of our Milky way.
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